Saturday, June 23, 2012

Revising and Editing

House painting, like life, seems to require endless editing.  Compose, delete, redraft.  Take a look at the progress,  make amendments.  Decide what you can salvage, what you should go to the mat for, and when you have to settle.

At the end of this first week Ken, Ira, and I have covered all this territory in painterly fashion, and a lot more in terms of conversation and music. The Wailin' Jennys, Gillian Welch, and Allison Krauss have filled the hours.

Black screen doors--found years ago in the garage--now have a dusting of copper to soften the tone.  

Section finis?  Never completely. 

The beadboard above the navy fascia was first the same Dunmore Cream as the house body. But in the context of the northwest corner the color seemed more yellow and less the muted cream we want to achieve.

Ken rewrote that headline in about five minutes; now the whole section is the same light cream
 as the column...and the contrast works.

With paint or pen, changes can be made in a flash.


  1. The progress on the house looks awesome. The color scheme is very pleasing.

  2. so so beautiful! i can hardly wait to see it in person! was the porch ceiling painted before? i want to do that! i think the cream color looks much richer than a white would have, even with the cedar and navy.
    soon you will not want to leave the emma house, and perhaps ira will have enough trellises to keep him busy.
    i love the look of the house, and with ira landscaping it will be the pride of clinton.
