Monday, October 5, 2009

The Kentucky Potato Cake

As soon as my plane touched down in Nashville I started racking my brain for ways to up my cholesterol level. The Kentucky Potato Cake doesn't have all four of the Southern food groups (sugar, fat, salt, whiskey) but it's decadent enough to be a contender. This recipe was passed down from the Watson side of the family, so it was probably consumed with bourbon.

2 C sugar

1/2 C sweet milk

1 C butter

2 C flour

1 C mashed Irish potatoes

1/4 t soda

2 C pecans

4 eggs, beaten

5 T melted choc. or cocoa

1 t cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg (each)

pepper and salt

Directions: Cream the butter and sugar. Add finely mashed warm potatoes. Add eggs, well beaten, then the milk, melted chocolate, salt, pepper, and spices. Mix and sift the flour and soda. Cut the nutmeats fine and dredge with flour. Add the flour and nutmeats to the batter. Bake in layers in a moderate oven. This is a large cake. Bake in a 325 - 350 degree oven for about 25 minutes, possibly longer. Frost with boiled white icing.